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Intégration de https://github.com/ArashPartow/exprtk dans le workflow openFrameworks
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Comprehensive set of classes to handle visual sampling, delays and other memory-based constructs
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Enveloppe diaphane pour cpp-httplib https://github.com/yhirose/cpp-httplib
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ofxaddons / ofxMidiFile
MIT LicenseUpdated -
ofxaddons / ofxFmtLib
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Librairie pour gérer un setup de cloud tracking. Composantes pour SuperSuper, Soundscapes, Movement Art, 2012, Impacts
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Simplifies the recursive OSC expose/subscribe process of an ofParameterGroup
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Un contenant pour charger paresseusement et de façon statique les polices TTF.
A container that lazily and statically loads TTF fonts.
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Queries nvidia-smi and displays the results, expliciting the oF process' own memory usage.
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